National Northeast Division Staff

Marine Corps League

 Vice CommandantRobert Ziltz
Assistant Vice Commandant –  Dean Lawton Sr.

Marine Corps League Auxiliary

Vice President – PNP Ruth Moyse
Assistant Vice President PDP Karen Mastriania

Department of New York

Commandant: Dean Lawton Sr.

 Chief of Staff: Mike Pisciotti

Aide-de-Camp  (NY): David Wiggs

Paymaster: Steve Topilnycky

Chaplain: Rosemarie Soto

Webmaster:  Steve Topilnycky

Web Site: Department of New York


Department of New Jersey

Commandant:  Mike Waluk

Aide-de-Camp (NJ):  George Gough

Web Site: Department of New Jersey


Department of Pennsylvania

Commandant: Diana Henry

Aide-de-Camp (PA): Jacob Bertin

Compliance: Jacob Bertin

Public Relations: Victoria McCoy

Sgt-at-Arms: Lisa Solarczyk

Program Book Editor: Diana Henry

Web Site: Department of Pennsylvania