Military Order of the Devil Dogs
Many people think that we are all just about fun and games and our own Marine machismo, however, we are not. It is the underlying purpose of what we do that gives meaning to all of it. Every year we gather in a different part of the country and present our donation to different hospitals, we donate to Children’s Hospitals and Veteran’s Hospitals.
MODD Library
There is now a new web site for forms and documents that we use all the time.
The web site URL is:
It can also be reached by clicking the link below.
Dues Renewals and New Joins
Hey there hard chargers!
There is clarification and updates on how this works. Get the Scuttlebutt at the link below and make sure you have the correct info.
National Northeast MODD Division Staff
Division Vice Chief Devil Dog – PDD Jason Hauck
Honorable Asst. VCDD NY Pack
PDD Dean Lawton
Honorable Asst VCDD NJ Pack
Honorable Asst VCDD PA Pack
PDD Barbara Vanner
Worthy Pack Leader NY Pack
Worthy Pack Leader NJ Pack
Worthy Pack Leader PA Pack
PDD Michael Mastriania
SSGT Darcel Carver, Marine for Life Network Rep
Cell: (703)595-6194
[email protected]
Joe DeAngelo, MCL/M4L Liaison
Cell: (848) 992-9181
[email protected]
For more information about the Northeast Division MODD!
We are one of the largest Divisions in the Marine Corps League. Please get a hold of us if you would like more information on the happenings in our area.